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It was Kofi Annan who got us started.

The cornerstone of Eventbuizz was laid in 2012 in connection with Kofi Annan’s participation in the global CSR conference Partnership 2012 at Copenhagen Business School. Here it became clear that organizers, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and participants could achieve significant benefits if everything could be brought together in the tool we all have at hand from the moment we wake up in the morning until we go to bed.

Thank you for your help.

Eventbuizz has evolved while we’ve been building the engine room – and we couldn’t have done it without our truly fantastic and patient customers. Today, we have a digital event management platform that meets the needs of event organizers simply because we’ve been able to use input, feedback, and requests from our customers to fine-tune the engine room along the way. Today, we have one of the market’s absolute best products.

Designed for green transition

“Thousands and thousands of pieces of paper are almost daily ejected from a printer when conference and event organizers need to print programs, participant lists, and name tags for companies’ and associations’ large events. It takes time, it costs money – and it particularly challenges the climate footprint.” Read the article


Through a creative expression, our mission is to make it simple, secure, and safe to conduct captivating and dynamic events for our clients and their customers before, during, and after an event – regardless of technical or practical complexity – on one simple digital platform.


We aim to set the standard for creative, simple, and proactive digital event management that captivates and delights the audience at every event.

A digital event management platform that
is easy to understand